Family-Oriented Men Prefer Women Without Makeup, a Study Reveals | WS3C9N2 | 2024-01-26 18:08:01

New Photo - Family-Oriented Men Prefer Women Without Makeup, a Study Reveals | WS3C9N2 | 2024-01-26 18:08:01
Family-Oriented Men Prefer Women Without Makeup, a Study Reveals | WS3C9N2 | 2024-01-26 18:08:01

Family-Oriented Men Prefer Women Without Makeup, a Study Reveals
Family-Oriented Men Prefer Women Without Makeup, a Study Reveals

Typical wisdom tells us that makeup is a highly effective device for attracting companions, but new research challenges this idea. Surprisingly, these research present that males who prioritize household values and long-term commitments won't be as all for ladies sporting make-up. Turns out, there's a lot more to discover out concerning the connection between makeup and attracting a associate.

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